Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Matosinhos, Portugal - The Draped Suit Jacket Trick

Yeah look, I can wear this without putting my arm through the sleeves.
Yeah look, the jacket is not falling off me, i'll use it as a drape.

Matosinhos, Portugal - Trapped In Graffiti

Man gets trapped in graffiti by some square looking art creatures.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baltimore, Maryland - Where Did His Head Go?

Hey, where is your head?

Baltimore, Maryland - Creepy Abandoned Block

This has to be one of the creepiest abandoned city blocks ever. Everyone just up and left. Totally abandoned (except maybe one two units).

Baltimore, Maryland - Strange Flea Market Graffiti

Has to be the strangest flea market signage ever.

Modesto, California - I'm Sure This Box Can Fit

I'm sure this box will fit in here. I'll just pile some more stuff on my 1984 Pontiac. Could be on the next episode of Hoarders...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Villa San Giovanni, Italy - Use Flowers For Ski Balance

Ah yes, if I hold on to this flower here, I can lean back and assume the ski position.

See now that's the perfect flower for skiing!!!

Villa San Giovanni, Italy - Unfulfilled Billboard

We will just leave this billboard here to rot. Never to show another ad.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nuremberg, Denmark Boo! I'll come out of the wall!

Oh yeah, next time i'll come out of the wall!!!

Dresden, Denmark - Police Notice Google

Hey look, I think they are filming us.

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - Boy Throwing Up

Ok, we will be on our way in a few minutes. Just let my boy finish throwing up by your house.

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - Bike Trick

See all I do is wave my right hand like this, and my one bike becomes two! Sorry about messing up your front tire...

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - Weird Lady

I don't even want to know what's going on here.

Cancun, Mexico - Neat Graffiti

Just thought this was a real neat piece.

Bucharest, Romania - Human Parked Car

I always wanted to be a parked car.
I'll just stand here and put myself in "Park".

Bucharest, Romania - Dead Dogs?

Look Mommy, those dogs are dead!!

Bucharest, Romania - The Sweeper Man

Hi, you have no idea why i'm carrying two brooms down the street. I think i'll stare at this redhead while holding 2 street sweepers over my shoulder.

While you stare while holding brooms, i'll stand right here behind them and look really suspicious.

New South Wales, Australia - Huge Foot

Man with huge foot. Always a challenge at the shoe store.