Monday, February 21, 2011

Quebec, Canada - Corralling the Cord

Next time you corral an extension cord, make sure you are only wearing your shorts.

Quebec Canada - The Almost Embrace

Step 1 - Get arms ready to embrace as walking toward each other.

Step 2 - Walk away from each other in a weird strut-like duck walk.

Lilieci, Romania - The Bike Is Too Small For Me, So I'll Just Go Thru This Bag

I'll just snoop thru this bag since I could never ride this tiny bike.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Matosinhos, Portugal - The Draped Suit Jacket Trick

Yeah look, I can wear this without putting my arm through the sleeves.
Yeah look, the jacket is not falling off me, i'll use it as a drape.

Matosinhos, Portugal - Trapped In Graffiti

Man gets trapped in graffiti by some square looking art creatures.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baltimore, Maryland - Where Did His Head Go?

Hey, where is your head?

Baltimore, Maryland - Creepy Abandoned Block

This has to be one of the creepiest abandoned city blocks ever. Everyone just up and left. Totally abandoned (except maybe one two units).

Baltimore, Maryland - Strange Flea Market Graffiti

Has to be the strangest flea market signage ever.

Modesto, California - I'm Sure This Box Can Fit

I'm sure this box will fit in here. I'll just pile some more stuff on my 1984 Pontiac. Could be on the next episode of Hoarders...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Villa San Giovanni, Italy - Use Flowers For Ski Balance

Ah yes, if I hold on to this flower here, I can lean back and assume the ski position.

See now that's the perfect flower for skiing!!!

Villa San Giovanni, Italy - Unfulfilled Billboard

We will just leave this billboard here to rot. Never to show another ad.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010